$ Youtube#APIsProperty in class Youtube
Youtube::api_get() — Method in class Youtube

Using CURL to issue a GET request


YoutubeServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class YoutubeServiceProvider

Bootstrap the application events.


$ Youtube#configProperty in class Youtube


Youtube::decodeSingle() — Method in class Youtube

Decode the response from youtube, extract the single resource object.

Youtube::decodeMultiple() — Method in class Youtube

Decode the response from youtube, extract the multiple resource object.

Youtube::decodeList() — Method in class Youtube

Decode the response from youtube, extract the list of resource objects


Youtube::getFacadeAccessor() — Method in class Youtube

Get the registered name of the component.

Youtube::getApiKey() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getCategories() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getCommentThreadsByVideoId() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getCommentThreads() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getVideoInfo() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getLocalizedVideoInfo() — Method in class Youtube

Gets localized video info by language (f.ex. de) by adding this parameter after video id Youtube::getLocalizedVideoInfo($video->url, 'de')

Youtube::getPopularVideos() — Method in class Youtube

Gets popular videos for a specific region (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

Youtube::getChannelVideos() — Method in class Youtube

Get videos from the channel.

Youtube::getChannelByName() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getChannelById() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getPlaylistsByChannelId() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getPlaylistById() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getPlaylistItemsByPlaylistId() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getActivitiesByChannelId() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::getChannelFromURL() — Method in class Youtube

Get the channel object by supplying the URL of the channel page

Youtube::getApi() — Method in class Youtube


Youtube::listChannelVideos() — Method in class Youtube

List videos in the channel


ValidYoutubeVideo::message() — Method in class ValidYoutubeVideo

Get the validation error message.


ValidYoutubeVideo::passes() — Method in class ValidYoutubeVideo

Determine if the validation rule passes.

$ Youtube#page_infoProperty in class Youtube
Youtube::paginateResults() — Method in class Youtube

Generic Search Paginator, use any parameters specified in the API reference and pass through nextPageToken as $token if set.

Youtube::parseVidFromURL() — Method in class Youtube

Parse a youtube URL to get the youtube Vid.

YoutubeServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class YoutubeServiceProvider

Get the services provided by the provider.


YoutubeServiceProvider::register() — Method in class YoutubeServiceProvider

Register the service provider.


Youtube::setApiKey() — Method in class Youtube
Youtube::search() — Method in class Youtube

Simple search interface, this search all stuffs and order by relevance

Youtube::searchVideos() — Method in class Youtube

Search only videos

Youtube::searchChannelVideos() — Method in class Youtube

Search only videos in the channel

Youtube::searchAdvanced() — Method in class Youtube

Generic Search interface, use any parameters specified in the API reference

Youtube::searchChannelByName() — Method in class Youtube


Youtube::useHttpHost() — Method in class Youtube


ValidYoutubeVideoClass in namespace Cable8mm\Youtube\Rules


YoutubeClass in namespace Cable8mm\Youtube\Facades
YoutubeClass in namespace Cable8mm\Youtube
$ Youtube#youtube_keyProperty in class Youtube
$ Youtube#youtube_reserved_urlsProperty in class Youtube
YoutubeServiceProviderClass in namespace Cable8mm\Youtube


ValidYoutubeVideo::__construct() — Method in class ValidYoutubeVideo

Create a new rule instance.

Youtube::__construct() — Method in class Youtube

Constructor $youtube = new Youtube(['key' => 'KEY HERE'])

Youtube::_parse_url_path() — Method in class Youtube

Parse the input url string and return just the path part

Youtube::_parse_url_query() — Method in class Youtube

Parse the input url string and return an array of query params